Космічно-музична феєрія у вінницькому планетарії
Центральний міський парк ім. Леонтовича
Космічно-музична феєрія у вінницькому планетарії
Центральний міський парк ім. Леонтовича

This project was created for the Culture Development Strategy of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community and will be submitted to the final stage of the competition as part of the #EU4Culture project. If experts recognize it as high-quality and comprehensive, the community will receive 300,000 euros for the implementation of this Strategy.

"Having the Development Strategy of Vinnytsia until 2030, we also need to have sectoral strategies that will show us how we should move, which directions should be prioritized," says Deputy Mayor Halyna Yakubovych. — The development of the Community Culture Development Strategy is relevant nowadays. It should take into account the problems and issues of different social and age groups of the population when forming a creative and creative urban environment. The strategy of cultural development should cover areas that are promising for the formation of the cultural code of the city".

The main priorities of the Strategy are culture and urban planning, modern cultural infrastructure, cultural diversity, education in the field of culture, creativity and art.

"Strategy is the main prerequisite for detailed planning of cultural development of the community. This is a way to achieve the main goal — to create a creative, touristic and economically attractive Velika Vinnytsia," says the director of the city council's culture department Maksym Filanchuk.

Grant programs
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